Orders are sent out via USPS and are typically processed within five business days of purchase, excluding signed merchandise. Delivery time is dependent upon location and can take up to 21 business days.
Please note that there may be an additional import tax charged on items valued over $25 when delivering outside of the US. Customs may also hold your order, which could result in, longer than estimated shipping times. International delivery times can take up to 21 business days or longer depending on location. If after 30 days your package still has yet to arrive, please call your local post office and email us with your order number and details. Bear in mind your order may be kept at your nearest post office. The customer is responsible for all import duty and tariff charges that may be applied to international orders.
Please note that we are not able to offer exchanges on international orders. All orders sent overseas are subject to a refund only return policy.
Shipping costs are based on weight and the shipping destination. Cost structures are based on standard USPS rates.
Monke Clothing does not accept returns. Should an item be faulty, damaged, or incorrect in any way, it will be replaced with the same item at the cost of Monke Clothing or you may opt for a full refund instead.
Monke Clothing does not accept exchanges. Should an item be faulty, damaged, or incorrect in any way, it will be subject to our Return Policy. If the wrong size or color was ordered by the customer, a new order must be placed in order to receive the new item.